Haley…8 months

When I get the calls for the “next session” I can’t believe that time goes by so fast! It is time for Haley’s 8 month session and this is my favorite time! 8 months is when babies laugh at everything, crawl, sit up and in Haley’s case….start wanting to walk! Here are a few of the little peanut!

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Flashes of Hope

Tuesday, I volunteered to do another shoot for Flashes of Hope. We were in the outpatient clinic and a ton of kids were signed up. The Philadelphia Inquirer was there doing a story as well. The reporter asked me why I volunteer to do these shoots. I wanted to tell her that I felt called to do this. That I wanted to give these families something to cherish no matter what the outcome. But before I could, this little 20 month old boy, who wasn’t even supposed to make it to his first birthday, wrapped his sweet little arms around my neck and crawled up in my lap and just squeezed. In that moment, I knew I didn’t have to tell the reporter why I did this. She saw the fulfillment of what these shoots mean to me and those I do them for. This is an amazing organization that I am proud to be associated with!

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Ashley’s Senior session

Happy New year!! We are back and looking forward to a very busy, exciting and surprise filled year! I can’t wait!!
But first, I am going to play catch up from the end of the year….
Ashley came to me a while ago to do her senior session, but due to weather and other cirumstances, we rescheduled. So a few days after Christmas, I met Ashley and her friend Molly in Lancaster. It was one of the coldest days we have had. The wind was ridiculous! But, we got through it!! Check ’em out!

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Baby Keehan

I was so excited when I got an email a few weeks ago from Audrey and Mike saying that they just had a baby boy!!
What a sweetie pie!! He did such a great job being a new little model. But, like all babies, he had enough.
Hopefully you will see more of him over the next year and watch him grow!

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The Tran’s

Saturday was a cold one!! I met the Tran’s in Hershey for a little mini session for the family and their sweet little boy! He was so stinkin’ cute! His smile will just melt your heart!! He took to me really fast and grabbed my hand to walk with me wherever I wanted to photograph him. It makes me giggle just to see his little face!!

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A Birth story…

Words pretty much fail me when I try to tell you about an experience that I had about a week ago. But I will try….
Emma Leigh, was born at 6:14 pm on the most gorgeous day of December. The time was the same as the date of her parents wedding day.
I was truly honored and humbled to be asked to photograph her coming into this world. I had the hardest time editing the images without sobbing and still do whenever I see them as I remember the moments.
Mike and Joanna, she is so beautiful and I can’t even begin to thank you for allowing me to share in all these moments of your life!! I love you both dearly!! (even if you did make me take my favorites out! :P~~)

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Tiff, John and Ella

Whew!! We have been gone too long! Sorry for the lack of Blog posts! We went on Thanksgiving vacation and have been slammed with portraits to get in before Christmas. I promise more posts soon!
With that said, Saturday, Tiffany, John and Ella came to the studio for their mini session when we had an impromtu shoot in the snow! Here is just a peek!

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The Garrett’s

What started out as a mini Christmas session, turned into a full on portrait session! It was such a beautiful day out that I didn’t want them to have to stay in the studio. The Garrett’s are such a wonderful family and the kids were so great to work with!! That you for making my job so easy!!!

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Mike, Joanna, and almost Baby M

MIke and Joanna came over this weekend so I could do a maternity session for them. We had this planned from the day Mike told me they were expecting! Hopefully in a few weeks, you will see him or her on here from the delivery!! I am just waiting for the call to go to the hospital!!

I had to do it!

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