We are here!!

I am in gorgeous Las Vegas!! After a long drive to the airport, a near miss with a raccoon, lost boarding passes….we are here!!!
I know it is now Tuesday, but I didn’t have a connection until now.
I am so sorry!! Just remember, these are for my kids too….Our plane…

Katie and I in from of our hotel. We are so tourists!!!Our view

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We are off to Vegas!!

Katie and I are leaving tomorrow for a week to Las Vegas for the DWF and WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographer’s International) conventions. We will be back in the office on Monday April 2nd. I will be checking my e-mails periodically.
I told my son I will try to blog everyday so he can see where I am. So check back daily to see what is going on in Sunny Las Vegas! I hear it is to be in the high 70’s and 80’s. Haha!!
Take care!

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Donna and Olivia

Today, I went to Donna and Olivia’s for their Mother’s Day shoot. Donna wanted something different from the studio, so I offered to come over. They have such an amazing house with the greatest light. I was soooo happy we decided to do it there.
Olivia was a great model She says she is going to “pose” school. I think she will be really good at it!! Thanks guys for letting me take over you house!!

This is the “look” Olivia gives her Mom.

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Snowy St. Patrick’s Day

Well, we weren’t really going anywhere today after the pounding of snow we got…..
The boys bundled up to go out and play. Tony and Kobe were were off playing tackle football while Braden really wasn’t sure he wanted to be out in this mess. I know this is sad, but this is really the first time he has been in the snow…well, except for last year when he had a snow suit on that was way too small, that made him look like Ralphie’s little brother. He waddled outside and fell right in the snow like a turtle on his back and screamed! That was the end of that. As you can see…I think he remembered it!! Plus, Kobe didn’t make it any better when he beaned him with a snow ball.

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A complaint free world….

Can you go 21 days without complaining???? I am going to try.
I learned about this organization run by the Rev. William Bowen of Kansas City Mo. called a ” A Complaint Free World”
They have come out with purple bracelets that you wear for 21 days. The purpose is to try to stop complaining…about life, money, the computer crashing, the mail is late….whatever it is that you find yourself complaining about. You wear the bracelet on one wrist….if you find yourself complaining that day, switch wrists and start over. Once you have completed 21 days, you pass the bracelet along. I think this is something I need. So watch out, I maybe handing it off to you…..in hopefully 21 days….

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Averie and Gracie

Karen came over today to have the girls photos done. I am just amazed at how big they are getting. Averie is going to be 4 this year and Gracie will be one in a month. Gracie is what we call a miracle baby. She was born with pneumonia and a hole in her heart. I would go see her almost everyday til she came home. With prayers and the love and support of her family, she is here with us today!Miss Averie


These were from the day after Gracie was born.
I can’t believe it is almost a year!

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Monica’s Guys

Last night Monica, Les and Nikolaus came for family portraits. Monica wanted this photograph to put with all of Les’ firefighter memorobilia. I love how wide-eyed Nikolaus is!

He is getting so big! 3 months already!!!

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Mother’s Day Booked

I am sorry to say, that I do not have anymore openings for The Mothers’ Day insert in the Lancaster Newspaper. Sorry!!!!
For those of you that have had yours taken and have not gotten back to me with the number, you have until March 20th to let me know. You can place orders whenever you want, I just need the number to submit for the paper. If I don’t hear from you, I will use my best judgement and submit it for you. Thanks to all who came out!


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