Terry Kids

Last night, I got to photograph the Terry kids for the second year. It amazes me how fast kids grow! We wanted to shoot outside, but the weather was a little uncooperative. This gave me an opportunity to play with my new lighting so it all worked out! Here are a few from our session.

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Today, I had a last minute Christmas shoot with Alyssa. This is a surprise for her Dad and I know he doesn’t check this so it is ok. But, if you know him, don’t tell him!
I took her to my favorite spot to shoot. We took about 20 minutes because she was freezing! Then my little helper niece Savannah wanted in on the action. She is such a Ham. Plus, she was telling me ” Here I think this would look nice” and trying different poses…. So here a just a few from today. Remember……shhhh………!!

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My second shoot on Saturday was Laura’s senior session. Laura and her mother met me in Elizabethtown because the original place we chose was closed for the season. Once we got the traditional stuff done, I suggested we head to the train station to have some fun. Laura was so much fun to photograph because she kept busting up laughing. She wasn’t uncomfortable at all which make it so much easier on me!! Check out her incredible freckles!! Here are just a few….

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Elizabeth and Dave

Saturday afternoon, I met Elizabeth and Dave in Hershey for their engagement session. It was COLD!!! I felt so bad for them because I kept making them take their coats off…But it was for their own good! It was a good time getting to know them a little better before their wedding in August. Here are just a few from the day.

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When you’re bored….

Make Bugs! This is what Kobe wanted to do on his day off school. We wanted to save this for a snowy day, but after months of begging us to do this, I finally gave in. This is after he was laying around saying ” I am sooooooooooooo booooredd!” Little did I know the light bulb to cook these bugs didn’t come with it. So we had to hop in the car and find this special bulb. Back home and under super parental supervision, we made our gross critters and baked them…some didn’t turn out quite so well and if you leave the oven on too long, it starts to smoke and smell and then not work. Fun fun! But, it gave the boys something to do…

Kobe wanted to take a picture of us. He didn’t do too bad. He asked if he could help me someday…woo hoo!

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6 sweet kids!

Sunday, I had the pleasure of photographing 6 sweet kids! They are all cousins and we tried real hard to get a group shot of some sort…Anna, the youngest was just not having it….that is until 5 adults,including myself put on a hysterical rendition of Elmo’s world. Here are just a few quick shots of each kid. I’ll have the rest for you soon! Thanks guys!

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Alicia and Seth

Last night, I met Alicia and Seth at Long’s Park for their engagement session. We had never met in person, so I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to find them. But, those fears subsided when they pulled up smiling. We were quite lucky that we haven’t turned the clocks back yet and had a little more light for the shoot. The sun setting was perfect light! I tell all my couples when I am shooting to be prepared for anything. I am very random and when I see something great, we move fast. Alicia and Seth put up with a lot and we had a great time giggling over the silly things happening in the park. Here are a few from last night.

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Trick or Treat

Well, it was a success! I was a little worried about trick or treat this year because last year, Braden freaked out when we put a monkey costume on him. But for the past week or so, all he talked about was being a horse and getting candy in his bucket. He would tell everyone he saw ” I go Trick or Treat and get candy in my bucket?” Everything is in the form of a question these days. So the time came and he got dressed no problem! It was great this year since we didn’t turn the clocks back yet and had a little more light to start. We met up with Kobe and Braden’s cousins like we do every year and hit the biggest neighborhood we can find. Kobe decided to be an Indian since his cousin was a cowboy.
In this neighborhood, we always start at the same house because they go all out with the blow up monsters, skulls, smoke and creepy noises. I thought this was the end of trick or treat for Braden. He went up to the house, and as soon as something moved and made a noise, he took off backward and knocked half the stuff over in the yard. I quick snatched him up and headed to a quieter house. After almost 2 hours, we called it a night. Overall, the kids got a ton of candy and had a good time. Now someone needs to hide the candy from me….

Cousin Jake the lion…

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Happy Halloween!!

I am not a big holiday decorator. But for some reason this Halloween, I thought I was Martha Stewart. What gave me the urge to carve a pumpkin, I don’t know. I knew how this would end up….Kids start out wanting to help and as soon as you tell them to scoop out the pumpkin….”Ewwww! I’m not touching that!” And I have boys! Not only do we have to carve a pumpkin, I thought, “Why not make a cool one?” I let Kobe pick out the design from this little book we got that came with all the tools to help you carve your masterpiece. He couldn’t pick an easy one, well, it wasn’t the hardest, so I shouldn’t complain. But I knew that with those little saws they give you I was bound to break something off. I did! And I swear there was something wrong with my pumpkin. Because in all the years that we had hollowed pumpkins growing up, I never had one shred like spaghetti. So here is a small slice of Halloween in our house….luckily you can’t see the little pin holding the skull head together after I broke it off…

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